I was born in 1983 in Belgrade, Serbia. Graduated from the School of Visual and Applied Arts. Worked for seven years at post-production studio as a designer. Quit my job and decided to focus on photography. Mother of two. Member of Belgrade Raw collective.
Although I usually take photos in the street, I prefer not to define myself as a street photographer. I’m attracted to crowded places where I can feel euphoria in the air, but at the same time keep a low-profile. Places where so many things are going on simultaneously, so you can pass unnoticed.
When I have enough time to construct the frame and wait for someone to show up unexpectedly and make the composition complete. This happens spontaneously and fortuitously. It’s like a partly improvised mini-set, but that unforeseen part is extremely important, because it adds value to the photograph.
I love to play with the objects I find within reach in short time. It adds the feeling of adventure to the whole process. The participants (subjects) are the people I meet on the street whom I approach directly. We work on the scene together, but our collaboration takes no longer than 3 minutes, after which we part. In this way, an ordinary passer-by gets a chance to be an accidental participant in the creative process. I bring discordant elements into certain relations and compose the shots based on them. In fact, I like to simulate situations that don’t commonly occur in reality.
If I’d give some thought to the matter why do I take pictures, I guess the answer would be: because I like the alternative ways of perceiving the everyday