I am Md. Enamul Kabir from Bangladesh. I grew up in a town called Kotchandpur. It’s a small but beautiful town.
Now I live and work in the capital city, Dhaka.
I go everywhere; shoot everything, from people to animal. No specific preference. A photograph can happen anywhere at any given moment. Sometimes it depends on my mood.
I prefer tranquility of silence to crowded places.
Never have I ever imagined that I’ll be walking around with a camera, stopping at irregular intervals, snapping photos left and right; never had any interest in photography.
At the end of 2012, I was unemployed and struggling to find a job. The local photography club used to make quite a lot field trips. I’d tag along, visiting different places, mostly to kill time. I was actually hoping someone will take a good portrait of me and I can use that on my FB profile.
One fine evening on such a photo-walk, I took a snap with my phone, just for fun. The scene was so serene and beautiful that it grabbed my senses by the balls. Later, I met a photographer named Imtiaz Alam Beg, whose words inspired me to get behind the lens. Now, I can’t take my eye of the viewfinder, it seems.
I prefer my photos to be concise and cohesive. Call it a minimal approach if you may, though my photos usually aren’t minimalist in the traditional sense. I shoot everything that looks interesting to me: from decisive moments to a portrait of a dog.
Photography is my way of overcoming frustration and fighting loneliness, possibly feeding those same feelings in the process. It has meditative effects, helping to feel and touch the core of my being.