Just another freak with a camera shooting strangers on the street. I found a camera lying around my parents house when I was 17 years old. I took pictures of friends and family for a couple of years and forgot all about it. Years later my daughter was born and I bought a snapshot digital camera to follow her first years on earth, and soon enough I was developing film in the kitchen and buying photography books like a mad men. After years of obsession (and happiness) came some sort of exhaustion and frustration that made me stop again. These last few months I find myself missing that obsession again, so I’m taking the camera to the streets again.
Wherever people interact with people or with the environment. In that precise spot where you are in the middle of the hustle but invisible to the rest of the world.
When my job (and my wife) lets me.
The awkwardness of everyday life.
To have proof that everything was real.